Late Roman Republic

Vigilar y castigar: publicanos, contratistas, senadores y otros defraudadores en el mundo romano

Roman Law / Roman Republic / Cicero / Roman provincial administration / Roman Empire / Augustan Principate / Late Roman Republic / Augustan Principate / Late Roman Republic

Capricornio y el natalicio de Augusto (Revista numismática Hécate 1, pp. 46-63).

Astrology / History of Astrology / Augustan Principate / Natal Astrology / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Ancient Astronomy / Roman coins / Augustus / Late Roman Republic / Graeco-Roman Imperials Coinage / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient Astronomy and Calendars / Astrologia / Zodiac Signs / Ancient astrology / History of astrology and astronomy / Augustan Age / Astrologia Classica / Octavianus Augustus / Augustan Art / Roman calendar / Augustus in numismatics / Early Roman empire numismatics / Octavian Augustus / Roman Calendars / Ancient zodiac / Augustus Caesar / Roman Propaganda / Zodiac / Calendars, astronomy and astrology in antiquity / Roman Imperial Coinage / Augustan Chronology / Roman Astrology / CALENDARIOS ANTIGUOS Y SUS CARACTERISITICAS / Calendario Romano / Greek and Roman Astronomy and Astrology / Power and religion in Rome from Sylla to Caligula via Pompeius Caesar and Augustus / Ancient Astronomy / Roman coins / Augustus / Late Roman Republic / Graeco-Roman Imperials Coinage / Roman Imperial Coins / Ancient Astronomy and Calendars / Astrologia / Zodiac Signs / Ancient astrology / History of astrology and astronomy / Augustan Age / Astrologia Classica / Octavianus Augustus / Augustan Art / Roman calendar / Augustus in numismatics / Early Roman empire numismatics / Octavian Augustus / Roman Calendars / Ancient zodiac / Augustus Caesar / Roman Propaganda / Zodiac / Calendars, astronomy and astrology in antiquity / Roman Imperial Coinage / Augustan Chronology / Roman Astrology / CALENDARIOS ANTIGUOS Y SUS CARACTERISITICAS / Calendario Romano / Greek and Roman Astronomy and Astrology / Power and religion in Rome from Sylla to Caligula via Pompeius Caesar and Augustus

Pollentia y las Baleares en época republicana

Late Roman Republic / Balearic Archaeology / Roman Archaeology

García Vivas, G.: Octavia contra Cleopatra. El papel de la mujer en la propaganda política del triunvirato, Liceus, Madrid, 2013

Ancient History / Historiography / Gender and Sexuality / Roman Republic / Late Roman Republic / Cleopatra / Roman Women / Cleopatra / Roman Women

Recuperando Marco Antônio e Cleópatra por meio das moedas

Ancient History / Roman Republic / Ancient numismatics (Archaeology) / Ancient Roman Numismatics / Late Roman Republic / Ancient Coins / Ancient Rome / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII / Ancient Coins / Ancient Rome / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII

La rebelión de Espartaco

Roman Republic / Late Roman Republic / Spartacus

Salustio: fragmentos de las Historias

Latin Literature / Roman History / Late Roman Republic / Sallust / Roman Literature / Roman historians

Casta, pia, lanifica, domiseda: modelo ideal de feminidad en la Roma tardorrepublicana (ss. II-I a.C.)

Gender Studies / Women's Studies / Women's History / Roman Republic / Constructions of femininity / Late Roman Republic / Roman Women / Late Roman Republic / Roman Women

La destrucción de Valentia (75 aC) y la cultura material de la época de Sertorio (82-75 aC)

Roman Pottery / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Late Roman Republic / Roman Archaeology

La fundación de Valentia: historia, arqueología, ritos, basureros y cabañas

Roman Republic / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Late Roman Republic / Roman Spain / Hispania romana / Roman Archaeology

Fortificaciones republicanas entre la Citerior y la Ulterior: en las tierras de la Bastetania

Poliorcetics / Late Roman Republic / Roman Architecture / Bastetania

El simpulum itálico de \"Fuente de la Mora\" (Leganés, Madrid).

Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Arqueología / Late Roman Republic / Romanización / Ancient Peoples of Iberia: Carpetanians / Carpetanos

Marco Antonio: auge y caída (44 - 30 a.C.)

Roman History / Topography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology) / Roman military history / Roman political culture / Civil Wars (Roman Republic) / Graeco-Roman Alexandria / Roman Republican Numismatics / Late Roman Republic / Roman Art / Roman Prosopography / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII / Octavianus Augustus / Roman Republican Coinage / Mark Antony / Roman Archaeology / Graeco-Roman Alexandria / Roman Republican Numismatics / Late Roman Republic / Roman Art / Roman Prosopography / Antony and Cleopatra / Cleopatra VII / Octavianus Augustus / Roman Republican Coinage / Mark Antony / Roman Archaeology

Catilina: Desigualdad y revolución

Roman History / Social movements and revolution / Late Roman Republic / Conspiracy of Catilina / Roman Republic's crisis
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